by: Kate M. Stellmach Updated Short Form Power of Attorney We have received questions from several of our client’s how the changes to Minnesota’s statutory short form power of attorney that took e...
The Most Important Parts of Estate Planning Can’t Get Legislated Away
There is always a media swarm around the death of a celebrity, especially when they’re young, active in their careers, beloved, and tragic. The death of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman in early Februar...
Three Top Reasons to Update Your Estate Plan in 2014
If you didn’t update your estate plan last year when the federal tax laws changed, 2014 is the year to make some important changes in it. Alterations to tax laws can definitely impact your estate, p...
Using Your IRA to Invest in Real Estate…and Other Nontraditional Investments
by: Thomas Fafinski IRA ownership of investments that are nonmarketable securities is perfectly legal. Todd Grill, owner of Nexus Direct IRA in Plymouth, Minn., says, “Why wouldn’t you invest in t...
The Idioms of Asset Protection
by: Thomas Fafinski Real asset protection planning is not about any one strategy or following which way the wind is currently blowing. Functional asset protection planning is about creating multiple l...
The Fair Use Doctrine
by: Nathan Nelson Have you ever wondered how schools are allowed to show movies during school hours or copy parts of books in handouts without infringing on existing copyrights? One of the exceptions ...
No Sunshine for Manufactures with New Federal Sunshine Laws
Manufacturers of drug and devices to healthcare providers must be cautious about new federal reporting requirements. Beginning March 31, 2013, the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act (PP...
Do You Understand Your Guaranty?
by: Nathan Nelson Whether you are signing a guaranty while purchasing property or while working with vendors, you must make sure you understand the terms and the conditions of the guaranty to protect ...
Challenging Property Taxes Without an Attorney.
by: Thomas Fafinski The best time to speak with the county property tax assessor is after you receive your notice of estimated market value but prior to the deadline for filing an appeal with the loca...
My New Business Partner is my Old Partner’s Creditor
by: Thomas Fafinski …or Worse, their Ex-Spouse! Business Succession Planning and Buy-Sell Agreements. Without proper planning, you could have your partner’s ex-spouse or creditor as a new part...